Sunday, November 27, 2016

5 Tips to Make the Pool Look Fabulous for New Pool Owners

A swimming pool could serve as a perfect place for gatherings and parties with friends and family. For each new pool owner, customize the pool with their own features and is could be exciting and confusing at the same time. If you want to make your pool look appealing and fabulous, here are a few ideas for reference.

1. Colorful Tile Enlivens Your Pool
For pools with a cement foundation, one obvious and simple way to make it appealing is adding colorful tiles to it. Options for the color and design of the tile vary based on personal preference, from natural beachside style to luxury palace style. A few tiles around the pool could do the merit to save your pool from the original drab and dreary style.

2. A Pool Heat Pump Is Your Best Friend
A pool in the backyard means a perfect opportunity to exercise with a lot more fun than running on the treadmill. 1.5 hours of swimming in your pool could reduce the risk of heart diseases significantly. The perfect pool temperature is crucial for you to enjoy the fun of swimming. If you feel like a swimming when it is a little chilly outside, this is when a swimming pool heat pump comes in hand. Absorbing heat from air, a swimming pool heat pump could heat and maintain your pool at ideal temperature(26℃-28℃) all the time. And if you are an owner with an inside pool, don’t forget a pool heat pump dehumidifier to absorb the clammy air indoors.

A Pool Heat Pump

3. Food and Music
A pool party with family and friends helps to get laid-back after a week of busy work. Make sure to have everything prepared before the party. Most pool owners go with the buffet and do not forget that having a barbecue while laughing with your friends is also a wonderful choice. Besides, a pool party is not successful and memorable without proper taste of music. With early and careful preparation, every pool owner could host a memorable event that could turn into a tradition with family and friends.

Heat Pump

4. Close Your Pool When the Winter Comes
While some people could have the enjoyment of swimming all year around, most pool owners need to close pool during the winter. The first step is to clean your filter. Spray the filter with carefully chosen filter cleaner and rinse them with a garden hose. One important trick is to acid wash the filter until spring instead of winter. Put flotation device in the pool could reduce the pressure from rainwater and ice on the pool walls. The final step is to put on the winter cover that can hold the weight of rainwater and snow.

5. Install Smart Pool Heater App for Remote Control
Smart Pool Heater App allows you to reset the target temperature or change the running mode of your pool heat pump without climbing out of your pool and walk to the pool heat pump. With its user-friendly and intuitive interfaces, Smart Pool Heater App is so powerful as to replace the wired controller, which makes it a good friend for every pool owner.

Smart Pool Heater App

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