Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to Style Your Hair Wig

All hair wigs look different on different people. It depends on your face shape, size of your forehead, length of your neck, your jaw lines and etc. Each styles will appear differently on person to person. A little cut and shaping will make all the difference in the world. The following are some suggestions about how to style your wig:
hair styles

1, Try the "shake and go" method. Many hair styles need only a good shake or finger styling and they're ready to wear.

2, For tight curly or ringlet styles give the hair wig a vigorous shake, then gently lift and separate the curls with a pick comb or your fingers. Don't brush it.

3, For wavy styles with loose curls, brush lightly with a wig styling brush or pick comb using short, lifting strokes - just enough to relax the style.

4, For long curly styles use your fingers or a pick comb to gently lift and separate the curls. Don't brush it.

5, For straight styles brush in long, even, gentle strokes from the crown to the ends for a smooth, sleek look.

6, After each wearing, spray the ends of the hair wig with spray conditioner. Gently remove any tangles.

7, On synthetic fiber modacrylic hair wigs and hairpieces never use any heated styling tools, such as hair dryers and curling irons or other heat sources as they may damage the fiber.

8, Some hair wigs, have a "packing" top, which is, (shorter fibers at root/base of wig). These shorter fibers are there to give body and volume to the wig. A light combing from the root base in an upward direction, with a wide tooth comb/brush, will blend them into the other longer fibers. Then, using your fingers, pick out the strands and move them into the direction of the style, that you want to achieve. You may want to do this with your fingers.

9, For 100% human hair extensions, you can the heated styling tools such as hair dryers and curling irons just as you would on your own natural real hair. But do not make the temperature too high. You must make the temperature shoulder be lower than 180 degrees celsius or 356 fahrenheit.

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